Healthy Skepticism on the Buddhist Path With Scott Snibbe Part 1

Scott Tusa

Scott Tusa is a Buddhist meditation teacher and practitioner who has spent the last two decades exploring how to embody and live meaningfully through the Buddhist path. Ordained by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, he spent nine years as a Buddhist monk, with much of that time engaged in solitary meditation retreat and study in the United States, India, and Nepal. Since 2008, he has been teaching Buddhist meditation in group and one-to-one settings in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and online, bringing Buddhist wisdom to modern meditators, helping them develop more confidence, inner wisdom, and joy in their practice.

Navigating the Monastic Life: Challenges and Rewards in the Buddhist Tradition


The Power of Allowing: A Meditation for Finding Freedom Within The Storm